8 min read

How we helped our client to transfer legacy pipeline to modern one using GitLab's CI/CD - Part 3

Please dive in the third part of a blog series based on a project delivered for one of our clients. Please click part I, part II to read the previous parts.

Table of Contents

  • Problem description
  • General description of the solution
  • Problem 1: Limited job output size in GitLab
  • Problem 2: Limited duration of jobs running on shared runners
  • Problem 3: Building a container image in the job
  • Problem 4: The GitLab Registry token expires too quickly
  • Problem 5: In the paid GitLab.com plan we have a limit on the shared runners used time
  • Problem 6: User's names with national characters in GitLab

Problem 7: Passing on artifacts between CI/CD jobs

In the second phase of the CI/CD process, artifacts with service-executable files are built and saved to the container file system. In the third phase, the job uploads them to the artifact registry.

Each job is launched in a new container. In order for the job commenced in phase three to read these files, you must use the mechanism for saving the artifacts resulting from the job, which is provided by GitLab. Otherwise, the job in phase three won't have access to the artifacts that were created in phase two jobs.

An example job definition in the .gitlab-ci.ymlfile:

  stage: build
    name: registry.gitlab.com/foobar/deadbeef/docker-base:latest
  # Upload artifacts produced by each job to GitLab server.
      - bin/
    when: on_success
    # Tell GitLab to remove artifacts automatically after 2 weeks.
    expire_in: 2 weeks
    - make build

The artifactssection indicates in which directory (paths) artifacts are created that should be saved (uploaded to the GitLab server). We use the expire_in keyword to define how long the artifacts are to be stored by GitLab. Setting the lifetime of the artifacts is good practice because it prevents the consumption of too much disk space on the server.

After completing the job, files from the specified directory will be sent to the GitLab server. You will be able to download them using a web browser.

Each job from the next stage, before being executed will download from the GitLab server artifacts produced by the jobs from the previous stage. This happens automatically and you don't need to modify the definition of these jobs in the .gitlab-ci.yml file.

Problem 8: Starting the docker build manually

In order to speed up the process of creating and developing our pipeline, we want to be able to run individual CI/CD jobs manually, on a laptop/computer. Thanks to this, we can check for potential errors faster. Running a job via CI/CD will always take longer than running it manually on a laptop.

GitLab runner sets specific environment variables when it starts the job. One of them, CI_PROJECT_DIR,is used in our scripts. When we run the job manually, this variable will not be set. You have to set its value yourself. In Dockerfile we introduced an additional check that ensures that the necessary variable is set. If it is not set, the corresponding error message is displayed.

Example of Dockerfile:

FROM centos:7

RUN if [ "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}" = "INVALID-ONE-ONE-ONE" ]; then echo "ERROR! Set CI_PROJECT_DIR variable. If you are invoking 'docker build', then use '--build-arg CI_PROJECT_DIR=/SoMe/PaTh'."; exit 1; fi

RUN bash -xe "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/foobar/prepare-docker-base-image.sh"

The above Dockerfile is used to build the image of the container in the job in the first stage of the pipeline.

An example of running docker build with setting an environment variable:

doker build -t cdocker-base-local-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S) --build-arg
CI_PROJECT_DIR=/builds/foobar/something/project1 -f dir1/Dockerfile .

If we forget to set the required variable with --build-arg, we will see the following error message:

% docker build -t cdocker-base-local-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S) -f Dockerfile .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 90.11 kB
Step 1/5 : FROM centos:7
 ---> 5e35e350aded
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 0e858c9a7a5f
Step 3/5 : RUN if [ "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}" = "INVALID-ONE-ONE-ONE" ]; then echo "ERROR! Set CI_PROJECT_DIR variable. If you are invoking 'docker build', then use '--build-arg CI_PROJECT_DIR=/SoMe/PaTh'."; exit 1; fi
 ---> Running in 2ccf334c80b1

ERROR! Set CI_PROJECT_DIR variable. If you are invoking 'docker build', then use '--build-arg CI_PROJECT_DIR=/SoMe/PaTh'.
The command '/bin/sh -c if [ "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}" = "INVALID-ONE-ONE-ONE" ]; then echo "ERROR! Set CI_PROJECT_DIR variable. If you are invoking 'docker build', then use '--build-arg CI_PROJECT_DIR=/SoMe/PaTh'."; exit 1; fi' returned a non-zero code: 1

Problem 9: We cannot rely on the error code returned by Puppet

In CI/CD jobs and scripts we rely on the status code returned by the application to detect the occurrence of an error. The first stage of our pipeline uses, amongst others, Puppet to install the necessary tools. Even if errors appear during puppet apply (e.g. you cannot install the package or download a file from the Internet), the command will still end with a code of 0 indicating success. This is well-known,and developers have their explanations for such behavior of the application. Fortunately, you can use this additional command line option: --detailed-exitcodes.


puppet apply --detailed-exitcodes --modulepath="${CI_PROJECT_DIR}" -e 
"include foobar::prepare"

This option causes puppet apply to return an exit code calculated in a different way than the default one. Code 0 means that there were no changes or errors. Code 2 indicates that changes have been made. All other codes listed in the documentation mean that some errors have occurred.

This is the code that performs puppet applyand checks its result. It's used in the first job in our pipeline:

set +e
puppet apply --detailed-exitcodes --modulepath="${CI_PROJECT_DIR}" -e "include foobar::prepare"
set -e

echo "Puppet finished with return code '${retcode}'."

if [[ "${retcode}" != "0" ]] && [[ "${retcode}" != "2" ]]; then
	echo "Exiting because of Puppet's return code."
	exit 1


This is the sample .gitlab-ci.yml file:

image: centos:7

  - prepare
  - build
  - deploy

  # Workaround for "Could not set the value of environment variable 'GITLAB_USER_NAME': could not convert string to current locale" problem.
  # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/issues/38698

  stage: prepare
    name: gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:debug
    entrypoint: [""]
  - echo "{\"auths\":{\"$CI_REGISTRY\":{\"username\":\"$CI_REGISTRY_USER\",\"password\":\"$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD\"}}}" > /kaniko/.docker/config.json
    - /kaniko/executor --context $CI_PROJECT_DIR --dockerfile $CI_PROJECT_DIR/cicd/Dockerfile-base-image --destination ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:${CI_COMMIT_TAG} --build-arg CI_PROJECT_DIR=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}

  stage: build
    name: registry.gitlab.com/acmecorp1/foobarproject/docker-base-image:latest
  # Upload artifacts produced by each job to GitLab server.
      - artifacts/
    when: on_success
    # Tell GitLab to remove artifacts automatically after 2 weeks.
    expire_in: 2 weeks
    - bash -xe ./cicd/build-albatross.sh

  stage: build
    name: registry.gitlab.com/acmecorp1/foobarproject/docker-base-image:latest
  # Upload artifacts produced by each job to GitLab server.
      - artifacts/
    when: on_success
    # Tell GitLab to remove artifacts automatically after 2 weeks.
    expire_in: 2 weeks
    - bash -xe ./cicd/build-alien.sh

# [...]

  stage: build
    name: registry.gitlab.com/acmecorp1/foobarproject/docker-base-image:latest
  # Upload artifacts produced by each job to GitLab server.
      - artifacts/
    when: on_success
    # Tell GitLab to remove artifacts automatically after 2 weeks.
    expire_in: 2 weeks
    - bash -xe ./cicd/build-waterbird.sh

  stage: deploy
    name: registry.gitlab.com/acmecorp1/foobarproject/docker-base-image:latest
    - bash -xe ./cicd/upload-artifacts.sh

What has been achieved?

Thanks to the implementation of automated CI/CD based on GitLab and Kubernetes, we were able to accelerate the process of developing, testing and implementing applications by the client. Developers receive feedback much faster (daily, instead of once a week). We have reduced operating costs by using cloud services. The Kubernetes cluster is self-scalable and, if not used, the cost of its operation is small.

Plans for the future

Our client is very satisfied with the work we've done so far. The next stage of the project is automatic end-to-end testing of the application. For this we will use Terraform and Ansible, and of course Google Cloud services.

big data
google cloud platform
17 August 2020

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