1 min read

Anomaly detection implemented in podcasting company


Being a Data Engineer is not only about moving the data but also about extracting value from it. Read an article on how we implemented anomalies detection for one of our clients that works in the podcasting industry, Acast. With the mechanisms we implemented, Acast employees are notified on the podcasts that suddenly gain or lose the audience. The results reveal trendsetting podcasts (the influencing ones, that grow episode after episode), hot topics (on shows that publish an episode that is listened all over the world) and also weird podcasts applications behaviour (sudden spikes in the listening pattern). All these anomalies notifications are based purely on the data and simple logarithm curve fitting - it's unbelievable what you can achieve with data&math!

big data
6 April 2020

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They did a very good job in finding people that fitted in Acast both technically as well as culturally.
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